
Best mediterranean : Tunisian cheese tagine with chicken

Tunisian cuisine one of the best mediterranean combines many different cultures; Including: Turkish, Berber, Arab, and even Jewish and European, it depends on various components; Such as: meat, vegetables, fish, and olive oil. Bread is one of the most important foods that are served alongside different dishes to be used as a dip. The tagine is one of the traditional popular dishes spread in the Maghreb countries, and Tunisia is one of them. In this article, we will introduce you to the steps of cooking the tagine on the way Tunisian.

Ingredients :

1/2 a boiled chicken and cut into strips.
6 tablespoons chopped onions.
3 potatoes, cut into cubes and fried.
5 tablespoons chopped parsley.
1/2 a teaspoon of thyme.
Sweet pepper cut into cubes.
10 slices of cheese.
4 boiled eggs cut in half.
1/2 a cup of vegetable oil.
1/2 a teaspoon of salt.
¼ teaspoon of black pepper.

How to prepare 
best mediterranean : Tunisian cheese tagine

Put the oil on the fire and let it heat up, then add the onions, parsley, thyme, salt and black pepper and stir until the ingredients wilt.
Add chicken slices, potatoes, sweet pepper, five slices of cheese and stir until cheese melts.
Pour half the mixture into the baking tray, put the egg halves, put the rest of the mix, and decorate the face of the tray with cheese.
Put the tray in the oven on the upper rack until it takes on a golden colour.
Cut the cheese casserole into cubes, and serve it hot.

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